Classes & Courses 2025 – Online & Offline at Ashram

Daily Classes: Three-Month Yoga Fundamentals, Yoga Sadhana Level 1, Yoga Sadhana Level 2, Yoga Class in Kannada

Four Sessions in a Year:





Registrations close on the 10th of the first month of each session. 

Yoga Fundamentals teaches the essential practices and principles of yoga to those who are at the beginning of their yogic journey or have not received training in the Satyananda Yoga tradition.

Yoga Sadhana Level 1 classes are aimed at yoga practitioners who have completed the Fundamentals course and wish to continue their sadhana under guidance to deepen their experience and understanding. 

Yoga Sadhana Level 2 has been created for those who have participated for one year in the Yoga Sadhana program and have the necessary preparation to go deeper.

Yoga Class in Kannada reaches out to a wider section of aspirants, and combines the principles of Yoga Fundamentals and Yoga Sadhana.

Click Here for Details

6-Day Immersion Courses: Yoga Anubhava Series    

Jan 2025 Yoga Anubhava: SWAN Sadhana and Samiksha 

DATES: 17TH–22nd Feb 2025; TIME: 7:30–8:30 AM IST (Offline + Online)

Dakshina: National Participants ₹ 1500; Overseas Participants $30

3-Day Health Management Courses:  Yoga Wellness Series

In our ongoing endeavour to share yogic knowledge for the wellbeing of all, Atma Darshan Yogashram launched its health management programs titled ‘Yoga for Wellness’. These are a series of 3-day programs with follow-up sessions once a month for three months.    

December 2024 Yoga for Wellness: Yoga for Better Joint Mobility

DATES: 3rd - 5th Feb 2025; TIME: 6:00 PM–7:30 PM IST(Online only) ; Follow-up sessions once a month for 3 months; Online Only

Click Here for Details

Dakshina National Participants : ₹ 1000; Overseas Participants : $25 

Spend Time with Yourself  (Meditation Session)  

Location: Ashram

Dates: Every Thursday

Timings: 9.30 AM to 10.30 AM

Dakshina: ₹ 300 per session

Lunch: 12.30 PM

SHATKARMA (Hatha Yoga Cleansing Practices)  

Location: Ashram

Date for January: 18th Jan 2025, Saturday


7 AM to 8.30 AM: Neti and Kunjal

7 AM to 7.30 PM: Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana (participants to ideally spend the day at the ashram)

Dakshina: 300-1000

First-time practitioners are recommended to follow the below schedule: 

1st month: only Neti 

2nd month: only Kunjal 

3rd month: only Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana. 

Thereafter you can do combinations that are suitable for you. Please register accordingly. 

Yoga Teachers Training Course 2025    

We are happy to announce that registrations for Yoga Teachers Training Course 2025 (YTTC 2025) are now open.

How to apply:

Interested candidates should fill up the application form available in the Details, and submit it to the ashram. The last date of submission is 25th Nov 2024. Applicants will be interviewed at the ashram on a date and time fixed mutually.

Residential Programs: Yoga Lifestyle Week and Ashram Life    

There are two residential programs.

1. Yoga Lifestyle Week  - Dates: First/second week of every month

During this weeklong program, participants follow the ashram routine which includes aradhana and havan, karma yoga and seva, study, swadhyaya, discussion, satsang, and Prakriti aradhana. In addition, they receive special yoga classes and also participate in the Yoga Anubhava Series program.

2. Ashram Life  - Minimum 3 days stay

Yoga for Senior Citizens


Yogic Intervention for Children with Special Needs and  Developmental Disabilities (such as ADD & ADHD, Cerebral Palsy and Autism Sprectrum Disorder)

Atmadarshan Yogashram will conduct a ten-day training workshop on  ‘Yogic Intervention for Children with Special Needs and  Developmental Disabilities (such as ADD & ADHD, Cerebral Palsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder)’.

The workshop will familiarize yoga teachers, parents and caregivers on how yoga and yogic principles can be used to help such children.

This workshop will be led by a yoga teacher who has been working for decades with special needs children. The participants will be taken through the tools that will allow them to gently and gradually improve cognitive, beavioural and social skills of the children so they can function more independently and integrate better with society.

The workshop will be spread over a month and the sessions will be held twice a week (Tue and Thurs) from 3 to 4 pm, from 15th October to 14th November.  

The dates of the workshop are as below:

October: 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 29th.

November: 4th, 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th

There are no charges for the training. Those who are interested, dedicated and serious about learning this very important and special skill, please register in the link below. 

Bhagavad Gita Chanting Class 

We are delighted to extend an invitation to our Bhagavad Gita chanting sessions, focusing on mastering the art of chanting this timeless scripture. Participants undergo a structured program covering chapters and slokas, with a focus on precise pronunciation, pitch, and rhythm. Chanting facilitates a connection with our profound spiritual heritage, enhances vocal expression for effective communication, and instills positive values for personal inner transformation.

Join us on this journey to connect with the elevating vibrations of the Bhagavad Gita chanting.

Request to Organize a Yoga Class