ADY Residential Programs
Yoga Lifestyle Week & Ashram Life
Atmadarshan Yogashram is happy to welcome you to its residential programs.
The serene settings of the ashram and the vibrant Guru tattwa make it an ideal environment for serious seekers to have a meaningful stay, and experience yoga and the yogic way of living. The peace and calm it offers are ideal for self-study, reflection and getting away from the chaos of the external world. There are two residential programs.
1. Yoga Lifestyle Week: First/second week of every month
During this weeklong program, participants follow the ashram routine which includes aradhana and havan, karma yoga and seva, study, swadhyaya, discussion, satsang, and Prakriti aradhana. In addition, they receive special yoga classes and also participate in the Yoga Anubhava Series program.
Dakshina: 7,000/-
2. Ashram Life: Minimum 3 days
There is much to be learnt by simply being in the ashram and following its discipline. Gently, one is steered towards discarding the tamas and connecting with sattwa.
Rising with the first birdsong rather than an alarm, ending the day early with a kirtan or meditation, eating wholesome sattwic meals at regular times, learning the finer aspects of yogic practices and concepts, offering oneʼs abilities for the benefit of many and in the process expanding oneʼs skill levels and mental faculties - these are only some aspects of ashram life.
You may have a glimpse of it with a three-day stay, or commit to a longer duration, whether a month, six months, a year.
There is no charge for ashram life. You may make a donation if you feel inclined.
Aspects of Ashram Living
Aradhana and Havan
Each day at the ashram begins with the serene sound of Omkara and a simple morning aradhana dedicated to Guru. This is followed by havan, a sacred fire ceremony that invokes positive energies and purifies the inner and outer environment. Participants get to learn the most simple way of conducting a havan, so they are able to take back this ancient form of invocation to their lives and continue it in their homes if they so wish.
In addition, every Saturday evening the Mahamrityunjaya Havan is held for the wellbeing of all beings. All residents and devotees are welcome to this program.
Prakriti Aradhana
Connecting with Prakriti, Nature, brings us in alignment with the rhythm of creation. The abundance of shady trees, overflowing grass, green shrubs, blooming lotuses and other flowers at the ashram spontaneously take you into this connection. Sit on a stone bench in the garden and you might find yourself filled with an inexplicable joy. This experience is strengthened with a simple aradhana at sunset called Prakriti Aradhana.
Karma Yoga and Seva
The difference between karma yoga and seva is often queried. There is no difference and there is difference.
Engaging in the various activities of the ashram is an integral aspect of ashram life. This may range from dynamically raking the leaves in the garden or mopping across a hall to learning the gentle art of mala making or chopping vegetables. When these are done with a single bhava (emotion): “I offer myself to You”, it may be termed as seva. When there is awareness of performing every action as a drashta (observer), giving oneʼs best without expectation of rewards, finding balance between expression and restraint, doing it as a duty with everyoneʼs wellbeing in mind and with the faith that the action will purify one at the deepest level - it may be termed as karma yoga.
We learn to imbibe these attitudes as we go through ashram life.
Study, Swadhyaya and Satsang
The ashram library contains all the books published by the Bihar School of Yoga as well as various other yogic and spiritual literatures. During their stay, residents can partake of this treasure.
However, swadhyaya is not merely study of books but study of oneself. We undertake this through introspection and contemplation. The ashram environment is particularly conducive for this. There is also interaction with teachers and other members of the Satyananda Yoga family to discuss and develop understanding. For Yoga Lifestyle participants, specific time is allocated for this endeavour.
Yoga Classes
The yoga classes at Atmadarshan are designed to bring all dimensions of the personality into a state of balance. The classes therefore include mantra chanting, asana, pranayama, mudra, pratyhara and yoga lifestyle practices. In addition, special courses are also conducted.
Participants of Ashram Life can join in the daily morning classes. For the Yoga Lifestyle Week participants, the Yoga Anubhava Series is part of the stay, wherein specific aspects of yoga are focused on to create an in-depth experience and understanding. They also receive a yoga nidra session in the afternoon, where the art of deep relaxation is learnt.